5 Tips to Help Your Pet Fight Winter Weight Gain

5 Tips to Help Your Pet Fight Winter Weight Gain thepets

Between snowstorms and calorie-packed holiday treats, many of us, including our pets, tend to put on a few extra pounds during the winter. Here’s how you can help your pet stay healthy and active all winter long.

We often start the winter with good intentions—planning snowy hikes and picking out cozy jackets for afternoon walks. But before long, we find ourselves curled up on the couch with our pets, indulging in comfort food and Netflix marathons.

We understand—it’s hard to motivate yourself to go for a walk when the sidewalks are icy or when staying inside by the heater seems more appealing. If this sounds like you, know that you’re not alone. It’s common for pets (and their owners) to gain some weight during the winter, but there’s no need to feel guilty. Instead, focus on the benefits of keeping your pet in shape: more healthy, happy years together!

Excess weight can put your pet at risk for various health issues, from joint pain to serious illnesses. While it’s okay to relax a bit during the colder months, your pet still needs proper nutrition and regular exercise to stay healthy.

Whether your pet is already overweight or you’re trying to prevent winter weight gain, here are some easy ways to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.

1. Find Enjoyable Ways to Be Outside

Depending on where you live, winter weather can be harsh. Whether it’s cold rain, heavy snow, or icy conditions, the outdoors can feel less inviting during the winter. Shorter days can also make it harder to fit in your regular walks.

The key to enjoying outdoor time in the winter is to adapt to the season. Try to schedule walks during the warmest part of the day when the sun is out. If snow or ice makes your usual route difficult, consider playing a game of fetch in the backyard or spending some time in a sheltered outdoor area.

Make sure both you and your pet are prepared for the cold. Your pet may benefit from a jacket or booties to keep them comfortable in lower temperatures. Keep an eye on the weather and avoid staying outside too long in dangerously cold conditions.

While outdoor exercise is crucial for weight management, getting outside also boosts serotonin levels, helping both you and your pet combat the winter blues.

2. Plan Fun Indoor Activities

Outdoor exercise isn’t the only way to keep your pet active. Indoor activities can provide just as much mental and physical stimulation as playing outside.

Engage your pet with enrichment activities like tug-of-war, chasing toys, or solving puzzle feeders. Experiment to see which games your pet enjoys the most, and soon they’ll be looking forward to their indoor play sessions.

You might also explore off-site options, such as doggy daycares or indoor agility courses, where your dog can burn off energy without braving the cold.

3. Feed the Right Amount of Food

If your pet is gaining weight, you might be tempted to simply reduce their food intake—but it’s not that simple. Pet nutrition is complex, and cutting calories too drastically can deprive your pet of essential nutrients.

First, ensure you’re feeding your pet the correct portion size based on the guidelines provided on their food packaging. Also, consider the number of treats (especially human food) they receive daily. Veterinarians generally recommend that treats should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily calorie intake.

If you’re already following these guidelines and your pet is still gaining weight, consult your veterinarian. They can recommend a diet that helps reduce calories while maintaining adequate protein and nutrients.

4. Take It Slow

When starting a weight loss program for your pet, it’s important to take things slowly. Crash diets and overly intense exercise can be harmful. Healthy weight loss should be gradual—about 1-2% of a dog’s body weight per week, or 0.5-2% of a cat’s body weight per week.

Similarly, ease into an exercise routine. Don’t overdo it on the first day, or you might end up too sore to continue. Start with a level of activity your pet is comfortable with, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise. Tailor the routine to your pet’s needs—a high-energy dog might enjoy longer runs, while a smaller breed may prefer shorter, more frequent walks.

For more advice on building up your pet’s fitness gradually, check out our tips on getting from the couch to a 5K with your dog.

5. Get Active With Your Pet

One of the best ways to motivate your pet to stay active is to join in the fun. Engaging with your pet during playtime makes the experience more enjoyable for both of you. While puzzle toys and automated games are great, nothing beats interactive play with their favorite person—you!

Balancing cozy cuddle sessions with active playtimes will keep your pet trim, healthy, and happy as you both prepare for the arrival of spring.