5 Simple Tips for Adjusting Your Dog or Cat’s Routine

5 Simple Tips for Adjusting Your Dog or Cat’s Routine

Pets are creatures of habit, so what happens when you need to change their daily schedule? Here are five tips to help make those adjustments smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your pet!

With the sunny days of summer on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to embrace new activities! Whether you’re planning weekend hikes, starting a seasonal job, or enjoying evenings on restaurant patios with friends, your winter routine might be ready for a refresh. However, your pet may not share your excitement when you suddenly leave just when they were expecting their usual cuddle session!

Even if your routine stays the same, the changing season can still impact your pet’s schedule. Many pets align their sleep patterns with the sun, which means they might start waking up earlier as the days get longer.

Adjusting routines can be stressful for both pets and their owners, but preparing for these changes together can make the transition easier. These tips will help turn potential stress into an exciting change, ensuring a happier dog or cat!

1. Make Gradual Adjustments

When you need to change your pet’s routine, it’s important to ease into it rather than making sudden changes. If you’re shifting the timing of regular activities like feeding or walks, do it gradually.

For example, if your pet’s dinner is usually at 5:30 P.M. and you need to move it to 6:30 P.M., start by adjusting it by 15 minutes at a time over a week or two. This way, they won’t notice the shift as much. (Keep this in mind the next time daylight saving time rolls around!)

If you’re introducing a new activity, begin with short practice runs. For instance, if you’ll need to be out every weekend, start with brief outings a few weeks in advance. Leave at the time you’ll need to go, but keep the trip short at first—maybe just 15 minutes on the porch with a cup of coffee. Gradually extend the time until your pet is comfortable with the new routine, helping to avoid separation anxiety on your first full day away.

2. Make Changes Enjoyable

You are your pet’s favorite person, so your absence isn’t something they look forward to. If you have to leave, make their alone time more enjoyable by providing something they love. A snuffle mat or puzzle toy filled with treats, or even leaving the TV on their favorite nature show, can make alone time something they actually look forward to!

This approach also applies to other changes they might not enjoy. If your longhaired pet needs extra brushing in the summer, make it more pleasant by offering a special treat during grooming. If car rides cause stress, try playing their favorite music in the car.

3. Burn Off Extra Energy

The key to keeping your pet calm during stressful times is to help them expend their energy beforehand. Physical activity is the best way to tire out your pet, setting them up for a nap just in time for a day alone, a car ride, or a vet visit.

If you’re not a morning person but need to tire out your pet early, try a laser pointer game or a quick backyard fetch session. You can relax while your pet burns off their energy.

4. Stay Calm

Your pet picks up on your emotions, so if you’re stressed or excited, they will be too. If you’re rushing around looking for your keys before heading to work, your pet is likely to mirror your anxiety. To set a calm tone, try to remain composed and avoid making a big deal about leaving.

This also applies to positive interactions. While it’s tempting to shower your pet with affection before you leave or when you return, this can signal that something significant is happening. Instead, keep things low-key to help reduce their stress and normalize the new routine.

5. Include Them in Your Activities

We all wish we could bring our pets everywhere with us, so why not include them in as many activities as possible? If your pet enjoys getting out, they might love joining you for more outings than you expect.

It’s easy to bring them along for weekend hikes, but have you checked if your local bars have pet-friendly patios? If you work outdoors or in a pet-friendly office, your pet might love spending the day by your side, soaking up all the attention from your coworkers.

With these tips in hand, you’re ready to create a new routine or weekend plan that keeps both you and your pet happy! Here’s to a summer full of adventures and cozy days at home.